Career planning and development is about managing your training, study, leisure and work progress over the course of your life.

This includes acquiring and using the skills and knowledge needed to design programs and make informed decisions about training, education and work. It is an ongoing process. In addition to any benefits from the employer, committed employees invest in their own career planning and development.

Some employers do not provide for planning and development, so it is up to the individual whether he wants to identify growth needs.

Career development is a win-win situation that focuses on the growth needs of employees while benefiting the company. The action plan has several steps that can be taken.

1. Do a self-assessment.

2. Founding goals.

3. Talk to your manager.

4. Get the resources you need.

5. Measure your progress.

6. Create a network.

7. Edit the target and adjust as needed.

Careers are built by networks that can follow a person for years. Career-oriented employees “engage” but also seek new opportunities to learn new jobs by offering to help others and volunteering for projects or extra work.

Don’t just stick to what’s in your job description. Every job is worth the effort, and conscientious employees benefit from giving their best. Some do the bare minimum and wonder why they don’t get promoted, paid more, or given new opportunities.

Companies that offer in-house training, cross-training, project management, and internal transfers/promotions can engage their human resources and retain top talent. When people are valued and given opportunities, they are more engaged and more likely to stay rather than seek employment outside the organization. When companies invest in employee career development and planning, the results are very positive.

The advantages for the company are as follows:

• Improve retention rates.

• Greater employee engagement.

• Strengthen their succession planning.

• Stronger knowledge base.

• Transfer knowledge to others.

• Fill internal vacancies.

• Positive employee brand perception.

• Higher employee morale and motivation.

• Good PR.

A corporate strategic plan that includes goals to achieve the above benefits will make employees and potential employees aware of the company’s interest in its future growth and development.

Ultimately, each employee is responsible for their own development and career planning.

Both companies and individuals will benefit from synchronizing personal and organizational career planning and development.

It’s a win-win.

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